The CD was introduced with great fanfare in 1982 and soonsupplanted the audio cassette due to high quality digital sound.You could bring your portable cd player anywhere to listen tohigh quality audio music. The next revolution started with theacceptance of mp3 music. MP3 stands for Moving Pictures ExpertGroup 1 Audio Layer 3. This mp3 technology allows for thecompression of normal CD audio file in WAV format and reducesthe size of the file by a factor of 10 to 1. That means you canstored thousands of songs in a small portable player whilepreviously a CD player could only hold a CD at a time.
Having a audio compression file format allows music to beeasily distributed . Instead of having to go to the CD shop tobuy your CD , you can now download from the internet the songswhich you want. An MP3 player also offers skip free music whilea CD player doesn't. Also, flash based memory mp3 players haveno moving parts which enable longer lasting battery life not tomention less occurrence of break down or failure due to movingparts. Mp3 players also allow the ability to create play list ofsongs while cd players generally have limited capability in thisarena. Finally, now there's no need to buy an entire musicalbum. You can buy just one song instead of the whole album. Itmakes more sense since you may only like one particular song.
Does it mean that CD technology is a goner? Not necessarily,firstly although mp3 allows for huge numbers of songs to bestored a portable flash memory or hard disk player the soundquality is compromised. Of course we can't tell the differencebecause of mp3 removes information pertaining to frequencieswhich we are unable to hear. Remember the audio cassettetechnology which preceded the cd technology ?Well, it is stillaround. It still has uses and purposes.
CD player have advantages in that CD players are cheaper than mp3 players. There is no need to buy storage media which is expensive. Songs in mp3 format have different sound volume levels while in a CD you get consistent sound volume. Why bother with the hassle of encoding, transferring and managing files which is troublesome, timeconsuming and more demanding when you can just simply pop in anew CD and get instant gratification. Also, if you travel to aless developed country , a CD player proves to be more useful asaccess to broadband is hard to find for downloading of yourinternet music. In addition, CD can last a life time and arevirtually indestructible compared to a mp3 hard drive or flash memory players which have a limited life span and could spoil.
Lastly, you don't have to face headache of incompatibility issueas some players can play only specific file format.