A method of simulating individualized art instruction is provided. The method utilize a CD compact disc playable on a CD-I compact disc player hooked up to a television. Each edition of a compact disc showcases a well-known instructor and background information. The actual instructor does the voice over, giving instructions at each step. Next, a substantially perfectly lit image appears; this image is a view of the object of study (i.e., the model, the still life, the landscape). Then, a completed painting of said object appears, the completed painting having been executed by the instructor. The screens contain step-by-step images of different stages of completion. At each screen, the instructor talks about what he or she is doing and why. The instructor can relate the actual colors and fundamental techniques used. By having a simulated method of individualized art instruction, the student is free to avoid the use of electronic keyboards and video display screens for creating a piece of computer generated artwork. In contrast, the method allows the student to create a painting by using traditional tools of the trade, such as paint, paintbrushes, a canvas and an easel, while accessing a simulated art lessons on a video display screen.
Other References
- Publication entitled "Videodiscovery", Fall 1993 --Multimedia for Education by Videodiscovery, Inc.
- Publication entitled "Media Max --The Multimedia Manager for Macintosh Computers", reference manual by Videodiscovery, Inc., 1993.
- Bio Sci II Elementary Edition, 1991, Videodiscovery, Inc.
- Videodiscovery document entitled "Science Discovery --Image and Activity Bank, Middle School Lessons", 1993, Videodiscovery, Inc.
- "Industry News", Electronic Learning Magazine, Apr. 1993, EduQuest Introduces Education Computers and Optical Data Receives Two Patents.
- Macuser Magazine, `Dec. 1988, "Video Disc-O-Tech", pp. 209, 210, 222, 214, 216, 218 and 230.
- Pioneer Corporation, "LaserBarcode System Guide Book", 1989, pp. 1-24.
- Laser Disc Corporation, 1988, "Demo Version", by Hisashi Hoda.
- Pioneer Electronic Corporation, Edition 2.0, Dec. 1986, Edition 1.2 Mar. 1987, Edition 2.0 Sep. 1991, Revised Jul. 1992, "LaserBarCode Format", Appendix 1.
- Merrill Publishing Company, 1991, "The Dynamics of Life", Teacher Edition, p. T31.
- Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. 1991, "Biology Today", p. 1.
- Prentice-Hall, 1991, "Correlation of Optical Data's Life Science/Biology, Videodiscs to Biology", p. 2.
- Optical Data Corporation, Third Edition, 1990, "The Living Textbook -Earth Science".
- Alpine School District Board of Education, 1991, "trACE User's Guide", pp. 1-13.
- Sinnett and Edwards, "Authoring Systems: The Key to Widespread Use of Interactive Videodisc Technology", 1984 publication Library High Tech Magazine, pp. 39-50.
- Hannafin, Michael J. "Options for Authoring Instructional Interactive Video", Journal of Computer-Based Instruction, Summer 1994, vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 98-100.
- Pogue, Richard E. "Authoring Systems: The Key to Lesson Development", Journal Educational Technology Systems, vol. 12(2), 1984-85, pp. 75-81.
- The Wall Street Journal, Nov. 13, 1990, "Texas Approves a Textbook on Videodisks" by Michael Allen.
- Electronic Learning, Sep. 1991, vol. 11, No. 1 "Windows on Science Second in Dollars in Texas Adoption" by Theresa Wageau.
- The New York Times, Sep. 12, 1990, "Videodisk Joining the Book in Class" by Michel Marriott.
- The Round Rock Leader, Jun. 20, 1991, "Teachers Close Book on Old Method by Using Videodisk" by Kevin Wishard.
- Business Journal of New Jersey Magazine, Aug. 1991, "OD TV" by C. Poteavich.
- The Houston Post, , Aug. 22, 1990, "Textbook Panel Endorses Use of Videodisks", by Kevin Herman.
- The Wall Street Journal, Jun. 20, 1991, "Videodisk Curriculum Orders in Texas Exceed $12 Million".
- U.S. News and World Report, Nov. 26, 1990, "Introducing TV Textbooks".
- Data InfoTrac Magazine Index Plus, Jun. 1994, "Kodak Photo CD Portfolio (Image Processing Software)", abstract only.
- "Painting/drawing", CorelDraw Corp. Dec. 1992, abstract only.
- Rinker, Harry L. "Warman's Americana & Collectibles" 2nd Edition, Warman Publishing Co., Winky Dink game, p. 498, 1986.
- Schneider, Cy, "Children's Television", NTC Business Books, copyright 1987, pp. 203-204.
- Terrace, Vincent, "Fifty Years of Television, A Guide to Series and Pilots", Copyright 1991, Cornwall Books, p. 798.
- Von Buelow and Paulissen, "Photo CD Book", copyright 1994, Abacus.
- The New York Times, Section 2, Aug. 7, 1994, "The Pixels and Perils of Getting Art on Line" by Phil Petton.
- Morgan, James, "Video Resolutions", Artist's Magazine, Jan. 1995.
- "Kodak.RTM. Photo CD Media", advertising brochure for Kodak.RTM. photo CD-ROM multimedia presentation system, 1993.