Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Have Music, Will Travel: The Evolution of Portable Music

I remember my first Walkman fondly. I was enthralled by the very notion: portable music. I had no idea at the time, but the Sony Walkman was only the beginning. It would, single-handedly, come to revolutionize the way people listened to music.

On a family trip, everyone could listen to their own music. At the gym, everyone could work out to their favorite tunes. On the bus, at work, at the supermarket, you name the place-people had their Walkmans, and usually, a slew of their favorite cassette tapes as well.

And then there were CDs. Which lead to Discmans. Which recreated the familiar scene of two objects: the music player used to listen to the music, and the device in which the music was stored (in this case, a compact disc).

Nowadays, when I think about CDs, I question the genius involved. Discmans, although a step up in sound quality and technology, are generally bulky and awkward to carry. If you've ever used one for any extended period of time (especially if you intended to exercise while using it) you know that it is difficult to secure, all too easy to open, and once again, clumsy and inelegant to wear. CDs themselves are easier to damage and more expensive than cassette tapes. In general, the whole situation makes one wonder who was manning the portable-music-ship at the time.

Ah, finally MP3 players. At last, a device that incorporates both elements (player and music component) needed for portable music, thus eliminating the need to haul your tape/CD cases around with you. Apple's iPod clearly leads the pack in this category. Now, when looking back at Walkmans and Discmans, their bulk and impracticability are further amplified by the sleek design of most MP3 players. For example, the iPod Shuffle is advertised visually in a way not unlike that of fine jewelry.

What does the future hold for portable music? Considering the evolution thus far, we can gather simply that whatever it brings will be smaller and increasingly easier to use.

All in all, the portability of music was a progressive movement. The digital music of MP3 players has emerged, victorious over the once ubiquitous tape and CD players. Leaders like Apple recognize the value of portable music that lives up to the expectation of true portability: a lightweight and simple, yet elegant design without compromising functionality in the slightest.

Little by little, technology listened to the people, and as a result, it's now the people that are listening to technology.


Hypnosis Recordings Vs. The Real Thing

I'm often asked the question "Are self hypnosis recordings really as effective as hypnotherapy with a real live person?" My answer is yes, absolutely.

Certainly, there are significant differences to be found when comparing self hypnosis CDs or downloads to one on one therapy, but they are just that, differences. What one individual considers a benefit may be seen as a drawback to the next person. It really comes down to each person's natural makeup, which determines what works for them.

For instance, in the case of live one to one hypnotherapy, a session can be concentrated on a particular problem, which may be a priority to you at a given moment, especially if you're easily hypnotized. With recorded self hypnosis sessions, you do not have the benefit of focalized subject matter. There is no doubt that for specific problems, particular deep rooted problems, live one to one hypnotherapy is the best option.

On the other hand, to someone else, successful hypnotherapy may be dependant on the need to hear the message repeatedly. The law of concentrated attention and the power of suggestion in hypnosis are proven and very real. In this case, a recorded self hypnosis session is really the best option. You have complete control over when and how often to hear the recording. With live hypnotherapy, you do not have the benefit of repeated play, or the convenience of selective timing.

There is nothing preventing you from trying combined therapy, wherein you see a hypnotherapist in person, and also benefit from self hypnosis recordings in your own time. There is no system to conform to; it's really whatever works for each individual person. Each of us has to answer this for ourselves.

After several face to face hypnotherapy sessions, you may want to try a CD or a download, and see how it works for you. On the other hand, you may start with self hypnosis recordings, and after experiencing some degree of success, you may wish to have one or more face to face sessions.

From a cost standpoint, it's certainly worth trying self hypnosis recordings first. It's far more economical than face to face, and if successful, you can save a lot of time and money by directing your own therapy. I always give my clients one of my own self hypnosis CDs to use in between therapy sessions, so that they get the best of both worlds.

There is also the added advantage that by repeated listening of a recording you'll have experienced the hypnotic state many times, which means you'll no what to expect from hypnosis in general. Some people find it hard to enter a state of creative relaxation on the first few attempts. Since you'll have experienced this many times from listening to a self hypnosis recording, it could save you both time and money should you wish to visit a hypnotherapist for live one to one sessions.

I've heard of a few hypnotherapists who question the effectiveness of self hypnosis recordings and I often get asked the question "do recorded hypnosis sessions actually work?" I say yes they do, without question. It's like anything else; it may not work for everyone, but for those who are willing to listen regularly, it can be extremely successful. Hypnosis is about suggestion, the more you hear something, the more it penetrates. This is precisely why recorded self hypnosis sessions are so effective. Don't let anyone tell you differently.


All About CDs (Certificate Of Deposits)

When the richest people in the world are asked to give advice about how to earn and retain money, their response almost always resounds with the same principles: Your money should always be working for you, instead of you working for it.

The ideal situation is to put your money into something with a high rate of return. Then, while you are enjoying life, your money is constantly returning more. One option is to put your money in a CD (Certificate of Deposit), which is a type of account offered by many banks. They don't work like regular bank accounts. So if you've been contemplating ways to make your money work for you, read on.

CDs are characterized by being registered for at a fixed amount of time. When you put your money in, you tell the bank that you are going to leave it for a certain amount of time. The most common amounts are 3 months, 6 months, or any amount of years up to 5. The specific interest rate is set at the beginning, and does not change over the period of time.

The money in the CD is held until it 'matures', at which point the customer can withdraw it without bringing about any fees (which are applied if he or she withdraws before the date of maturation).

This may sound like a bad deal, but consider this: since the customer has to put up with having their cash unavailable for so long, they have their diligence rewarded with a particularly high interest rate. This is the aspect that attracts people to using CDs. Since they are offered by regular banks, they are completely insured. This makes them an almost entirely risk free investment, as long as you know you won't need the money.

If you've got a large sum of money sitting around and you're not doing anything else with it, then you should make every effort to put it to work. Some people are not cut out for high risk investments like the stock market. If this is the case, then the calm assuredness of CDs could be perfect for you.

Talk to people at your local banks to find their specific terms and conditions for CDs. Look for things like flexible liquidity, high interest rates, and time periods that suit your needs. Hopefully you will find something that is perfect for your finances, and will put your money to good use.


Burning A Downloadable Audio Book To CD

You can only burn (or copy/write) a downloadable audio book to a CD if either it is for your own use, or you have copyright over the contents.

Any audio book purchased for your own entertainment or enjoyment is normally subject to copyright and cannot be copied other than for your own use. Violating this law can get you into serious copyright infringement problems and potentially subject to very substantial fines or even imprisonment.

Downloadable audio books are still under copyright, even after paying to download them.

The only instance where audio books (or other publications) are no longer under copyright is when the authors or translators have died over 70 years ago. There are also certain publications by government that are not under copyright.

The rule of "only for personal use" is however still ultimate when it comes to burning any downloadable audio book to CD or any other such formats.

There are even a small number of audio book publishers that won't allow their audio books to be copied to CD. Audio book publishers can and sometimes do disable the ability to burn the files to CD.

Be sure that your audio book publishers allow copying for personal use: do check it out before going ahead to buy.

Some audio books last for several hours so if you wish to burning your audio books to CD, you will often need more than one CD per audio book. For example, an audio book of about 10 hours can take as many as 7 CDs.

That being said below are the steps you need to take to burn (or copy) any downloadable audio book into CD:

NOTE: The below instructions are based on Windows Media Player Version 10. If you are using an older version, you can download the latest version from Microsoft's website. Here's the exact link -


First, the computer you want to use to burn the audio book to CD must be equipped with a recordable CD drive and CD-burning software.

It is this CD-burning software that burns the audio book to the CD using the recordable CD drive.

Second, play the audio book on Windows Media Player. Ensure that you choose "Full Mode" when doing this, not "Skin Mode".

Third, you will notice the "now playing" information displayed on the right-hand side of your Windows Media Player. If it isn't displayed, you should click the "Restore the Video and Visualization Pane" button to display it.

Fourth, you can now click the "Library" tab. You will notice the "Start Burn" button displayed.

Fifth, at this point, insert the blank CD into the recordable CD drive.

Sixth, click the "Start Burn" button. Your Windows Media Player will begin burning the audio book to the CD you have inserted.

Lastly, if the audio book is larger than the CD (most always are), Windows Media Player will prompt you that it requires a new CD. You can remove the one inside and insert another blank CD.

When the entire burning process is finished, it will display the status as "Complete".

Take your newly copied and try it in your CD player. Then you can play it in your car CD player when on your way to work or, more likely, when sat in traffic. Or, in your portable CD player where ever you are. You can even download it to your iPod (you can download it to your MP3 player without having to burn it to a CD first). You are then free to enjoy you audio book wherever you choose.


Share A CD Didn't Kill The Music Industry

Malaysian music industry seems to find its way of doom. According to Recording Association of Malaysia (RIM), the record sales decreased 60 % from nearly RM 300 million in 1995 to RM 111 million in 2005. The only reason they put to blame is piracy. Even there are so many raids have been done, but still it never find its way out. The question mark, what is the factor that makes piracy well-accepted among the consumers? The better quality? No! Easy to be found? No! Cheap price? Yes, the cheap price that it carries is the main factor.

The original CD cost about RM 35 up to RM 45 per CD while pirated CD only cost you RM 5 to RM 7 per CD. As a mindless consumer, they only think about how many pieces of the entertainment they can get from the cash that they have. One thing that music industry should know is the typical Malaysian never cares on what intellectual property's all about. Hence, giving excuse of high studio expenses and promotion cost will not worth a penny. The consumers only want the cheaper, will the record company ever learn?

The only solution that recording labels should practice now is to reduce the number at the price tag. But please don't keep promoting the old songs that have been repackaged and selling it at a price of a new album. This is totally ridiculous. Current price that have been tagged on the CD box is quite unaffordable by most of the consumer whose generally comes from middle class of financial strata. Their power of buying still small, especially in buying a CD that only have one hits. Recording labels should by now start to lower their album price. There are one or two releases on the store shelf now that have been priced at RM 20 per CD and yes, it is a new studio album, not the re-released thing. With the digital technology in recording, record labels can reduce the cost of recoding if they know how to do it effectively.

As a consumer, what we can do if we don't have enough money to spend on our favorite artist's new album?

Don't worry, just listen to the radio. Radio provides us with free music, but on some stations, you have to bear with their annoying commercial advertising in return of free music they are giving. There are so many radio stations for audience to select ranged from urban listener, folk music to government generated radio station. Recording label usually send their new hits promos to be played on the radio station. Don't worry, if you missed the song in the morning, it will be repeatedly aired on the next hours of your listening. A single from Hoobastank called "The Reason" have been spinned on Radio Hits amounted 489 976 times in 2004. So how many time it been played in a day? You do the math.

Since the CD price still high, then why not to share the CD you've bought with your family and friends. There is no point of buying the same CD when you can borrow or nicer, you and friends buy different titles of CD and collectively exchange. If you have four friends buying four different CD, then you can listen to five different albums if you trade it among your friends. If you still using tape deck, then don't change it into CD player because buying tape is less expensive than CD. CD is expensive because you have to pay for the technology used in manufacturing it. Tape is less popular nowadays because tape technology is no longer having demand in market. But recording companies in Malaysia are still giving options for the consumer to buy tapes besides of CD format. You will lose nothing if you buy tape, unless if you only have CD player not the tape deck.

If you own a credit card, buying music online is the perfect way to save money. Taking the current situation where an album only have one only hits, it is better to buy that single online. In Thailand, you can download 890 songs for only RM 3.55. Is it a bargain or what? It is even cheaper than your piracy CD! There are load of websites dedicated to legal downloading of music in the internet such as Nepster and iTunes, but you must have credit card and computer of course. Since Malaysian music industry is still unaware of this new trend of buying music, we cannot buy local music online yet. According to Bank Negara Malaysia, since July 2005 we have 7.26 million of credit card users. Government also had launched a campaign of having a computer in every house. Recording labels, you should start thinking of selling your music in a new way right now!

If you still cannot keep yourself from buying CD, then buy wisely. Choose the only album that you enjoyed most. Don't fall victim to magazine or newspaper review since most of them are not really ‘in-depth' and sincere in giving opinion. The media generally have close relations with the music industry, so they never killed each others. Most of the biggest record store like Tower Records and some chain-store like Carrefour have a testing CD player. So you can give a preview to the CD album that you want to buy. If you like the music, then buy, if not, then don't. It is not a good idea to buy an album because of artist's popularity, so think wisely. The corporate capitalist are now projecting of selling popularity rather than the talent, if you don't believe, see how reality program can gains million of dollars just by exploiting emotion and image.

Before buying music, think twice either you really need it or not. But one thing for sure, share a CD didn't kill the music industry but buying piracy did!


Choose Sony Car CD Players for Smooth Music Listening Ability

Sony is a name that many of us know very well. The products that come from this brand are all excellent in quality and performance value. One of their items is of great use in our cars and this is the Sony Car CD Players. Now since many of us are always traveling, we sometimes like to listen to music that comes from other places than the radio.

It is with regard to this that Sony has developed their line of Sony Car CD Players. These CD players have been designed to give you smooth music listening ability without having to worry about having to change the battery of the CD players. Since there are many different Sony Car CD Players in the market you should do some research to find one that you will like. To help you in this task you can try different avenues.

One avenue that you can take is that of the various car audio reviews that are found in the internet. Now as you look at these review sites you will discover that some of these sites are devoted to informing you about the different models in the Sony Car CD Players that you can buy. Others will tell you about the various specifications that are needed for these Sony Car CD Players.

Now should you feel that you would rather look at repairing an old and worn out Sony Car CD players, there are sites that can lead you in this direction. When you go through these web sites you should keep in mind that the Sony Corporation is not linked to these sites nor will they take any responsibility if you buy any Sony Car CD players from these places and get worthless junk instead.

For the challenge lover I rather think such sites will pose as an interesting lure. Now if you do succumb to this temptation you can use the internet to find the various Sony Car CD Player parts that you may need. So the best way to go about having your own customizable car CD player would be to first see what parts you can get for second hand Sony Car CD Players. The next step is to note their prices and see about buying these pieces just to be ready.

The next phase is to locate the Sony Car CD Players that you want to repair and buy them. Once you have all of these items, you can take apart an old CD player and see how it has been assembled and fix the items that you have bought into a new CD player. Another way to go about this is to buy a manual that details how to assemble Sony Car CD Players. Follow those instructions and before too long you should have a new customizable Sony CD Player at a fraction of the cost.


The Off-Road Choice

A compact crossover SUV from Land Rover, the Land Rover Freelander had its humble beginnings in the year of 1998 when it was officially introduced to the automotive world. This vehicle was designed so as to compete with the Jeep Liberty, the Toyota RAV4, and other similar vehicles. When this vehicle came to North America, it served as a pioneer for the premium compact SUV segment. This vehicle is powered by a V6 engine. The Land Rover Freelander is a vehicle that has been designed for moderately rugged roads however its abilities do not include serious inclines and broken terrain.

This vehicle has been made available in three body styles that comprise of the Station Wagon sporting five doors, the Hardback that has three doors, and the Softback containing three doors as well. It is a multi-functional vehicle so much so that it could not only be used for moderate off roading but also could be utilized for town driving as well.

The Land Rover Freelander is protected by tough yet stylish polycarbonate bumpers and body trim. It has a tough but sophisticated appeal making it adventurous yet easy to find on urban streets. It exudes a bold and distinctive look that makes it stand out from among the rest, yet it still bears the heritage and overall fascia of the Range Rover, the Range Rover Sport, and the Discovery 3. Colors and hues are carried on with a variety of shades that includes Rimini Red, Java Black, Bonatti Grey, Cairns Blue, Chawton White, Giverny Green, Atacama Sand, Tonga Green, Vienna Green, Zermatt Silver, Arctic Frost, and Belize Green. This vehicle also benefits from alloy wheels that come in 16 inch, 17 inch, and special 18 inch varieties. It also sports high-strength polycarbonate bumpers that provides a tough and firm stance for the vehicle. Helping to minimize the effect of any scratches from off roading are body-colored sections and a self-colored skid plate. Added in are integral fog lamps and a stylish mesh grille. As per the Land Rover Freelander’s interior, the vehicle holds premium materials that give a quality feel for the vehicle. It has a distinctive interior that is luxurious and inviting.

This vehicle offers a wide range of features for itself. The list includes glass roof panels, electric sunroof, rear mudflaps, a soft or a hard top, powerfold mirrors, a privacy glass, tinted glass, roof rack, roof rails, front fog lights, and park distance control. For entertainment, the vehicle has a single-slot CD player, a six-speaker sound system, a 6-disc CD player, and a Harman/Kardon® premium system that has eight speakers and a subwoofer.

www.landrparts.com has a vast array of well crafted Land Rover Freelander parts and Land Rover parts to choose from its online store. It has in stock the highest quality Land Rover parts and Range Rover parts that will retain the Land Rover’s driving dynamics and superb performance.


The Great Career Switch

"Hello. Is the doctor in?"

"I'll be with you as soon as I finish filling in these forms."

"But I really need to see a doctor."
"There, now what can I do fo – EEEEEK! You...you....you're a grizzly bear."

"Yes, ma'am. Can I see the doctor, please?

"Wh...why would you want to see the doctor? He doesn't usually see grizzly bears, you know."

"Some movie actor thought he'd be a real smarty and kiss me."

"Oh, oh, I saw that on TV. That was Brad Pitt. You're the Brad Pitt Bear."

"That's what I've been trying to tell you."

"Ooooh, you lucky bear. How did it feel?"

"Look, miss. This actor comes up and slops one on me. Now I have icky human germs. It's given me a rash. How would you like it if Brad Pitt just walked up to you and kissed you?"


"And to add insult to injury, he recorded it on national television. How would you like that?"


"And instead of giving me antibiotics, Jennifer Aniston starts pawing me."


"I feel so used."

"Wow, for a bear, you sure lead an exciting life. Kissed by Brad Pitt. Pawed by Jennifer Aniston. National television. Ooh, how thrilling."

"I wouldn't call such abuse 'thrilling'. It's not like I have an exciting job...not like yours."

"What, this? I spend all day filling in forms."

"Wow. I've never filled in forms before."

"And I have to book appointments for sick people all day long. And people who think they are sick. And people who don't know if they are sick. And sick people who think they are not sick but don't know if they are sick. And people who are sick but think they are not sick and wonder if that means they might be sick."

"Wow. I've never helped sick people before."

"And I have to keep explaining why the doctor can't see them yet, because he is busy tending to another patient. Have you any idea how it feels to have to keep explaining that over and over, day after day, week after week?"

"Pure happiness. You must have the doctor's excuses memorized by now"

"And I am stuck here under these flood lights, force-fed muzak that sounds like somebody grabbed a CD player and stuffed it with pancake mix and maple syrop until all that is left are the beatless, rythmless memory of a pre-civilization melody."

"I love muzak. Big Griz is my favorite muzak composer."

"You like that drivel? Hmph. You would probably love this job."

"You bet! Filling in forms. Talking to people. Making appointments. Basking in glorious musak – what could be better?"

"Well, you can have it then."

"Really? But, then who will kiss Brad Pitt. It's a dirty job, but somebody has to do it."

"Hey. How about me?"

"You? You want to kiss Brad Pitt?"

"Sure, since you do need somebody to do it."

"That is so kind of you. You would sacrifice yourself for me."

"Yeah. Yeah. Move over. I've got to get puckering."


"And so, children, that's how the lady found herself stuck in the grizzly bear cage over there."

"Wow, Uncle Jimmy. You sure teach us a lot of great stuff every time we come to the zoo. I thought she was just a zookeeper cleaning the cage."

"Ah, yes, but she no longer has to listen to muzak, so she is happy. Different people like different things. What brings this lady happiness are not the same things as make a grizzly bear happy, for example. Understand?"

"I sure do, Uncle Jimmy. It also explains how come Dr. Block has such a grizzly receptionist."


Energy Boosters

I needed to learn about energy boosters. Fatigue and a lack of energy have been problems for all my life. In an effort to find out why, I've asked doctors, read books, and finally decided that some questions just won't be answered in my lifetime.

Fortunately, I've also learned that even without discovering the root causes of my tiredness, there are things I can do to alleviate it. Below are some of energy boosters that have worked for me and others over the years. Try them to see which work best for you, and use more than one at a time if necessary.

Ten Energy Boosters

1. Energetic music. Different types of music have different effects on us, but you can learn which are best for you by trial and error. Once you find the music that wakes you up, keep it ready. Keep a tape in your car, and a CD in the player at home.

2. Sleep better. The research seems to show that as long as you get at least five hours of sleep, the quality is more important than the quantity. Try drinking something warm before bed, or relax with a simple meditation.

3. Talk about something interesting. Have you ever seen a tired person start to talk about something they're passionate about, and suddenly "wake up." It's a powerful technique you can use for yourself. Have a few "favorite" subjects that get you going.

4. Coffee. For some of us, caffeine makes us more tired when it's abused, but short-term, it can work wonders.

5. Deep breathing. Several slow deep breaths help oxygenate the blood supply better, and especially seems to wake up the brain.

6. Have an "energy drink." The verdict isn't in on most of them, but it's a cheap option to try. I seem to get something from the ones with Ginkgo Biloba in them.

7. Move your body. Sometimes just getting up and washing the dishes, or walking around the house helps boost energy levels.

8. Exercise. It's not a quick solution, but many people notice an increase in their energy level when they get regular aerobic exercise.

9. Hot and cold shower. Try a minute of hot water, then a minute of cold, alternating for six minutes. This isn't for those with weak hearts, but it will wake you up. Incidentally, research shows that this also revs up the immune system.

10. Get outside. Often, a little sunshine and fresh air can be very energizing.

Write down the techniques that work for you when you find them, to remind yourself to use them. Of course you should try to find the reasons for your tiredness or fatigue. You may have more luck than I. In the meantime, though, why not try a few of these enrgy boosters?


Tips on Buying Your Next Car

When shopping for a car, new or used, start by asking yourself a few questions:

• How many miles will you be putting on the car weekly?
• What are the mpg ratings for the cars you are considering?
• How will the car primarily be used—taking kids to soccer, commuting to work?
• What features do you need/want (air conditioning, CD player, anti-lock brakes)?
• How large of a car loan can you afford?
• How much of a monthly payment can you handle?
• How much do you have for a down payment (cash or trade-in)?

Check the online car sites to find out the current pricing, safety records and other information on the makes and models you are interested in buying.

Get your financing first

Getting your auto loan first lets you know how much money you have to work with and sets a realistic focus on the car buying process. Another benefit of having financing in hand before visiting the dealership is that it will keep you out of their high-pressure finance departments.

The Annual Percentage Rate (APR) you will be charged on your car loan will depend on your credit history and FICO score. Other variables include current interest rates, market conditions and any special financial promotions being offered by dealers or manufacturers on the car you are buying.

The difference between the interest rate on a new car loan and a used car loan doesn’t vary that much because used vehicles don’t depreciate as quickly as newer models. This makes them better short-term collateral for the lender.

A good place to get a free car loan quote is http://www.fastcarfinance.com. Their no-obligation online application will let you now how much you are qualified to borrow.

If you are buying new

Buying new gives you a new-car warranty that lasts for years. It also gives you more control over optional features, and, if you buy the right vehicle, it will have greater resale value down the road.

Shop around to get the best possible price by comparing models and prices in ads and at dealer showrooms. You also may want to contact car-buying services and broker-buying services to make comparisons. Consider ordering your new car if you do not see what you want on the lot.

Negotiate on price. Dealers may be willing to bargain on their profit margin, often between 10 and 20 percent. Usually, this is the difference between the manufacturer’s suggested retail price (MSRP) and the invoice price.

If you are buying used

A good used car should last longer than your loan. According to The U.S. Department of Transportation, the average life span of a vehicle is 13 years, with final mileage around 145,000.

If you’re shopping for a used car at a dealership, ask for a conditioning report in addition to having your own mechanic check it out. You can also order the vehicle’s history report from an online service like CarFax or AutoCheck.

If you are buying from a private party, you will want to ask:
• How long have you owned the vehicle?
• Has the vehicle been in an accident or repainted?
• When are the next state inspection and emissions tests due?
• How often has the oil and filter been changed?
• Why are you selling the vehicle?


Things to Consider when buying a Hot Tub or Jacuzzi Tub

We recently purchased a new Hot Tub and Gazebo from Cal Spas in Minnesota. The purchase was not something we planned, just something that caught our eye when visiting the Minnesota State Fair. As a result we learned a few things that would have made our purchase smarter. In the end we're pleased with the decision but its easy to say now that all the work is done. In this article I'll outline the information I wish I had considered when making this purchase. I hope it helps you in your decision.

The Tub

This isn't going to be a detailed rundown on what to look for in a good tub or who to buy it from. I'll leave that to the other articles out on the internet. There are two points I'll make of things I may have changed. We purchased the top of the line system, the only thing it lacked was an LCD monitor and DVD player. So what would I change? Well after using it for a season I find that the multitude of jets is irrelevant for me. I am more of a soaker and actually prefer that the jets aren't all blasting. Its too much noise and I don't like the splashing. So I would look for something at a better price point and give up some of the fancy jets in favor of more common ones. A friend of mine paid 1/2 of my cost for a more basic unit and he couldn't be happier. So where would I put this money? I would ALWAYS splurge and get the stereo and speakers built into the tub. My wife insisted on this and it added quite a bit to the price but I wouldn't want it any other way. The tub uses a marine radio/CD player with water proof speakers and a remote controller on the top side of the tub. You can easily hear the music and I even ran a TV in through the Auxiliary so we can hear the TV through the tub speakers. My friend who didn't buy this feature is left with setting up elaborate wiring and remote control extenders to get his stereo to play outside. Another feature I'd suggest is fiber optic lighting. There are a bunch of small lights around the top of the tub that change color. At first glance it looks like this would just be to make it fancy. Try the tub at night and you'll find they provide a great deal of light which makes the tub much easier to use. It also helps when messing around outside the tub with CD's Drinks Towels, Chemicals etc. My friend again, is stringing rope lighting. So in a nutshell on the tub, consider the stereo and fiber optics and if necessary go with less jets to cover the cost.

Gazebo Information

My wife insisted on a Gazebo surrounding the tub and for years I put off the purchase because I didn't want to spend another $7000.00 on a Gazebo. Once we took the plunge I'd say that for the Minnesota winters I'd have it no other way. I have neighbors that freeze climbing in and out and maintaining their spa. Ours is like another room in the house and is quite warm in the winter due to the heat from the tub. Now a word of advice. My buddy purchased an 8x8 Gazebo that basically encloses the tub with no extra space. They climb up stairs and go through the windows of the gazebo to get in the tub. On a showroom this looks like a fine arrangement. Well this winter his wife climbs in, closes the windows to keep the cold out and finds herself trapped in the gazebo. They had to damage the windows getting it open due to the condensation that froze the window shut. My smart wife insisted we purchase a larger gazebo. We went with a 12x12 that had racks and storage for chemicals and towels. It also has built in lights which are a bonus. The important thing to note about this decision is that I enter the gazebo through a sliding door, not the window. If anything freezes it will be the windows by the tub not the ones opposite the room and the sliding door. Additionally its just nice to have a new room on the house and the cost relative to the benefits isn't bad at all. Plus we have room for a bar and stools in there.

Preparation and Additional Costs

Here are a few things to consider in your decision they either provided additional cost or hard work on my part.

Electrical: You'll most likely need a dedicated 50 amp circuit with a breaker box in plain view of the tub. In our case this meant digging a 36 inch deep trench from the garage to the gazebo (50 feet) so the electrician could run the conduit. The cost of the electrical work was about $1000.00 and I had to dig the trench myself. My buddy did his own electrical and still spent $500.00 in parts so keep that in mind.

Cement: I also needed a new cement slab to accommodate my tub and gazebo. We put in a 14x15 slab to accomplish this. What I did not consider was that cement has gone way up in price since my last 10x10 slab. We spent almost $2000.00 for the labor and materials to have this poured. What I also did not consider was the work of removing the grass from that area. This took three days of exhausting work cutting strips of sod and hauling them to the disposal site.

Gazebo: What I did not consider and was not told by the sales rep was that immediately upon erecting the gazebo, we'd need to stain it to seal the wood from the weather. This is a 12x12 structure I hadn't considered staining. Let me just say it was a day of hard work which will need to be done at least every other year.

Additional Items to Consider

A few additional items you may want to consider purchasing.

Cover Helper: The covers of these hot tubs are not easy to move around by yourself. This is especially true in a Gazebo. They sell cover helpers which are lever type devices that life the cover mechanically and put it behind the tub. Unfortunately for me my wife wants the tub against the wall so we're stuck either using 1/2 the tub or man handling the heavy cover. This is my pet peeve about tubs. So if you have the room or consider making the room, this will make your spa much more enjoyable.

Portable Utility Pump: Tubs have a gravity drain at the bottom but these can take all day to drain a tub. My neighbor was smart and purchased a utility pump or sump pump at the local Home Depot or Menards. This drained the tub in about an hour and let us get to work cleaning and refilling fairly quick. After borrowing his I went right out and picked one up for about $70.00 For those of you who've drained a waterbed without a pump you'll know why this is a good investment.

Hose for adding water: Just like with my waterbeds, I prefer to purchase a special hose for adding water to the tub. I keep it inside so it stays clean and not frozen. Tubs evaporate water at a surprisingly fast rate so plan on adding water once a month or so.

In Home Jacuzzi Tubs

When we built our house we splurged and added one of those large two person Jacuzzi tubs with six jets. I thought we'd be in heaven and was reminiscing of nights spent in the Jacuzzi suites in a hotel. What I didn't consider is the following and because it these things, it functions more as an ornament to make the bathroom look grand.

Filling: These things take time to fill, by the time its filled do you still need or want that bath?

Hot Water: Filling these will drain your water heater down unless you've planned for extra capacity. I find that the water for my pre bath shower isn't very warm once I've filled the tub.

Cleaning: Ok so I'm lazy but just like a hot tub, you have to clean the tub and jets and the larger the tub the more work it is just to keep the dust out.

I hope my thoughts have given you something to consider and plan when making a large purchase such as a spa or gazebo. All things considered I'd do it again if I moved but I'd be a little smarter and save money and effort.


What To Do If Your Child Is Homesick At Summer Camp

Parents look forward to summer vacation. Most kids go away to summer camp for a period of time and parents get time to themselves. If your child is away for the first time, they may get homesick. Here are a few ways that parents can deal with a homesick camper.

Summer camp is both exciting and a bit scary. While children look forward to new experiences, the social aspects of camp can be daunting. Will I make friends? Will anyone like me? Will I be safe?

If this is your child’s first time away from home, ease them into it. Make a visit to the camp before the summer. Kids get to look around and parents get to ask questions of the camp counselors. If your child is familiar with the place they will be attending, they may be less likely to have jitters.

Letting your child help in the decision of which camp to attend gives them a sense of control. If they pick the camp, they may be more optimistic about the outcome of their time there. If their friends are attending the same camp, this increases the comfort level of your child.

The first night at camp is usually the hardest. Cuddling up with a favorite teddy bear or covering up with a childhood blanket works to soothe their anxiety. If your child has a CD player, make a recording of your voice wishing them good night and good luck at summer camp. Listening to it before bed may give them the strength to push on especially if they have had a bad day.

Camp counselors are used to dealing with children and homesickness. For most, the feeling passes as soon as they have their first big success at camp. Kids just need to get acclimated to their new environment.

If the situation is still ongoing after a few days, talk with a camp counselor. If your child is experiencing problems with another camper or an incident has occurred, see if they can resolve the conflict without bringing your child home. If they are to learn conflict resolution and overcoming anxiety, they need to be given a chance to do so.

Don’t be afraid to withdraw your child from summer camp if the need should arise. There is no reason to assign blame. Reaffirming to your child that it is okay to come home will lift their self image and give them the courage to try again the next year.

All children are not ready for summer camp at the same time. For some, it takes longer to get adjusted to being away from home.


Car Audio Systems – A Brief Overview

When we hear the phrase car audio, we automatically assume that a person is taking about the sound system in their car or vehicle. The most common piece of audio equipment used in cars in the radio/CD player which in generic terms is known as the head unit. This is the item that is most commonly upgraded and as technology changes and moves forward this is the part of the cars sound system that also changes.

Up to a number of years ago most car audio systems were fitted with a cassette player but this then became a CD player. With technology ever expanding CD players now also have the capability of playing MP3, WMA, AAC, and there are even car stereos that are now going to be equipped with USB slots.

The majority of cars have a CD player and there are others that also include the option for a CD changer which can hold multiple disks. These CD changers can be housed in the car stereos head unit itself or stored in a separate unit which is normally stored in the trunk. Some car stereos now even support DVD players and LCD screens which have been designed to entertain children on long journeys.

Speakers are also an integral part of the audio system in cars and these are generally located in the doors at the front of the car and over the trunk in the back of the car. There are a wide range of speakers available on the markets today and just like the head units, technological advances also impact on these.
Another component of the audio system can also include amplifiers and these are vital if you wish to have a number of speakers in your car.

As you can see the audio system in your car does not just consist of the small unit that takes your CDs or plays the radio, and these systems do in fact have a lot more components to them.


Why I am throwing out my Alarm Clock Radio for an Alarm Clock CD player

The short answer is that the sound quality that the alarm clock CD can supply is far superior to that of the alarm clock radio. If there is one thing that I prefer about my alarm clock CD over my old alarm clock radio it is simply the sound quality.

My old clock radio was great and I had good choice as to how I could use it but the quality of sound left much to be desired.

The sound repetition was very trebly if you know what I mean. Like the sound you would make banging an empty tin can. Yes these gadgets will wake you up in the morning. But not with the full bass and full rounded tones of a good quality alarm clock CD.

I am sure you would feel a lot better hearing the rich base sounds of your favorite piece of music over the scratchy hollow sound of the clock radio. There is really no credible choice between the two for me. The bonus difference between the two is that you can select a particular piece of music with the CD player but you can’t do that with the radio.

So technically what makes the difference?

They both function as radios, they both function as clocks. Well as I said earlier it’s the quality of the sound. You see in my opinion in clock radios the signal comes through very small speakers whereas the technology incorporated in systems that play CD’s have much more up to date Bose style technology.

It’s this technology that is good enough to be described as being of decent quality stereo sound.

We have just discussed a little bit about the technicalities but really in making a decision you need to balance desirable features against purchase cost. I mean what do you really want?

Do you just want to be woken up in the morning-then get an alarm? There are many mechanical and electrical ones and they’ll both do the job for you.

Do you want to be woken up in the morning to the news or the radio station of your choice that happens to sound a bit tinny? Well get a clock radio alarm. The clocks and the alarms are reliable but the radio is at best average.

Or do you want to be woken up in style with the rich sounds of Mozart or Beethoven that are well balanced between bass and treble. Then get yourself a good quality alarm clock CD player.

When purchasing an alarm clock CD player you need to balance features against cost. Good luck and good hunting!

Clark says; find out more tips secrets, and useful information on all your ALARM needs. http://www.alarmtips.com

Clark is an Internet Marketer by trade. He is keen on sport and healthy living. He also runs a FREE newsletter on health which you can sign up for at http://www.thehealthyu.com Article Source: Free Article Directory - http://www.articleManiac.com Search And Submit Articles
