Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Jessie Daniels Review

Midas Records’ first faith-based artist, the exciting Jessie Daniels, is a girl with a mission.

As you listen to her self-titled debut her intensity all but leaps out of the CD player and grabs you by the throat. Fortunately, I'm a girl who enjoys a good throat-grabbing. I'm a big fan of intensity, so Jessie Daniels is alright with me. More than alright, in fact.

She's been in the business more than half her life, since the tender age of 8, doing films, commercials, and even some off-Broadway theater, so she knows what she's doing. It shows on her 12 song CD, all of which she co-wrote, many with producer Scott Davis. She's from New York, and it has everything to do with her purpose and her style. "Because of how advanced and progressive things are in NY, you're not going to get through to people unless you're real, honest, and able to identify with them. That's how I intend to be about my faith through the music."

She's done her city proud. Jessie Daniels has put together an album that burns with a true New York intensity. Her music and her delivery are direct, aggressive, and as edgy as pop gets. It is an album that both those who know God and those who don't can enjoy, and that accomplishment in itself is impressive. Her strong vocals brim with energy and passion throughout, and I enjoyed the diversity of topics covered as well, such as relationship break-ups ("Letting Go" and the beautiful and wrenchingly honest "It's No Wonder"). Other standout tracks include rocker "Next to You," with its great changes and driving vocals that pound as hard as the tight rhythm section. Daniels sings with an aggressive insistency that pairs up perfectly with the recurring theme of God's pursuit, through pop ("The Noise" and "Everyday") and outstanding concept song "What I Hear." The blistering "Human Being" never lets up, even through the gorgeous bridge. Closer "Hold Me Now" ends the project perfectly, on a note of deep worship that rings as true as the breakup songs. Jessie Daniels is one to watch; I suspect her next album will make an even bigger splash.
