Thursday, May 24, 2007

Rage Solo Sound Skateboard BMX Helmet w/ Speakers

Two of my favorite activities are bicycling and listening to music. Historically, they have not been a good combination, because headphones can block out traffic noise that you need to hear to stay safe.

Last year, I received a Rage helmet with built in speakers. It plugs into standard sound jacks on portable radios, CD players, and mp3 players. I first tried using it with my CD player. I was surprised at how well the speakers worked, and that I could still carry on a conversation with my husband, who was riding next to me. I do mostly trail riding which can be a little rough at times, and I had some problems with the CD player skipping. This convinced me that my new toy (the helmet) needed a new toy of its own. I bought it an MP3 player.

I have been using the combination of the MP3 player with the speaker helmet for about a year now. I absolutely love it, and have loaded music specifically to help me keep a steady cadence when I ride. I find it hard to believe that there are so few helmet options like this.

You can purchase the helmet at many sporting goods or toy stores. They are running between 14.95 and 29.95, depending on where you buy them. Do not expect incredible sound, but you will be able to hear your music and the world around you at the same time. The speakers are located directly above and behind your ears, so that your ears are not blocked from hearing traffic noise. The helmet is really designed for skate boarding, and I would like to see some more options as far as style and color. I would like something with a sun-visor, and more traditional bicycle helmet styling.

It is great to be able to bring my music with me. I hope that this product will get some competition from the more traditional cycling helmet makers. There are a lot more advances that could be made in this direction, hands free radios to talk to other people who are cycling with you would be my number one request for the next gadget and helmet cross.